मंगलबार, जेष्ठ १ २०८१

Blank Pages (Poem)

Blank Pages (Poem)

  • Niharika Poudel
  • आइतबार, पुष ८ २०८०

  • Poem: Blank Pages

    Let me tell you a tale
    Of how incapable I am of telling tales
    I go over my usual repertoire
    Nothing too fancy

    But a pen that resides
    in the cusp of my hands
    And of course
    A page in front of me that remains blank.

    I tell everyone off my room
    And mumble words to myself
    Words birthed to be imminently dead
    And in their graveyard, I am derailed

    Tantalized to leave love marks on the virgin white
    The tips of my pen so close, linger midair
    Yet it fails to dapple with inks of black
    The paper in front of me that remains blank

    I want to wring my own hands
    Until blood oozes out of its tips
    I want to run a hand over my head
    And pull my hair off bits by bits

    For alone that I might be at times
    I am still surrounded by the roaring din
    Of voices in my head, multitudes of stories they scream
    Yet the pages in front of me remain blank

    And even in the rarest of times
    That they make it to the page
    So dearly sorry I am for my words that
    Are run over by my lines that inevitably entrench

    Or to the merest of my papers
    In which my woefully wrenched words went
    Only for them to be torn apart from their fellow friends
    For the papers in front of me always have to be blank.

    फेसबुक प्रतिक्रिया
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